The charming and compassionate actress who graces our cover this issue had a pleasant chat with us about what makes her tick.

Q: Any new project that you can share with our readers?
A: So I recently finished shooting a horror movie, which come out sometime next year, but I can’t give out any more information than that, I’m sorry. Other than that, I recently finished shooting two FTVs (made-for-TV movies) and a movie for the streaming platform Genflix.
Q: As someone with a strong and massive band of followers, how do you plan to use your power to influence your fans?
A: I’m so grateful for the platform that I have and I’m so happy that people have chosen to trust and follow me. I want to use this platform as a way to bring more awareness to animal cruelty. I think animals need a voice, because they don’t have a voice of their own, that’s why I’m so proactive in always posting and trying to help the animals.
Q: Working in the entertainment industry involves a very packed schedule. What is your secret to a balanced life?
A: I always try to put my career first, but the people around me that I love, my support system, are also very important, so I just try to balance it out. Whenever I have time and I’m not working, I always find time for the people around me. Just to give back the support that they’ve given me.
Q: What has been the most memorable moment in your career so far?
A: It was when I was shooting the horror movie. It was my first movie after a very long time of being inactive in the film industry and after being in TV for so long. Choosing to be in this movie was very important to me and it was kind of a big step for me to take, to get back in the movies.
Q: How do you define success, and what do you think is the key to success?
A: If you have people around you who support you, love you and are always there for you, that is already a success. Other than that, there’s having money and jobs, that all just come later in life. Success, in itself, is having people that are always there for you and that you can count on through thick and thin. The key to success is having a really good support system, people that you can trust and can count on, who won’t disappoint and stab you in the back.
Q: If you had not taken this career path, what would you have chosen?
A: Either a veterinarian or a criminal psychologist. I had already taken a few courses on criminal psychology, but because it just didn’t seem feasible to continue in that line of work with my career in the entertainment industry, I just stopped doing the courses. I have a lot of animals, that’s why I wanted to become a vet, because I learned how to take care of animals and notice whenever something isn’t right with them.
Asia Dreams Volume 48
Cassandra Lee
IG: @cassandraslee
Photo by Winston Gomez
IG: @winstongomez