She started out as a make-up artist, before being the brand ambassador of leading beauty, sporting and fashion brands. Ageless beauty Michelle Quan is also famed for her healthy lifestyle. For this issue of Asia Dreams, she shared her journey to success with us.

Q: Your name is synonymous with some of the leading brands. How would you describe your journey from the beginning of your career to now?
A: I have been very fortunate because I am now in a position that is a dream for many young girls. At the age of 44 now, I do represent some of the best international brands in beauty, sporting and fashion. Sometimes I do wonder, actually many many times, I do ask myself “why me?” Every night I never fail to end my day with a prayer of thanks, because I know where I am and who I am is a favour given by the universe, by my God.
Q: With such a packed schedule, how do you manage the time for work, family and yourself?
A: I am no different to everyone, we all only have 24 hours in a day. I do organise my time and I never forget what is my priority. Once you know your priority, you just have to manage your time well so everything that is important to you is fulfilled. Obviously, there will be sacrifices but these sacrifices are by choice. Everything in life is about making choices. We just have to make sure the consequences of these choices are worthwhile. Family, work, and exercise are my priorities, all my choices revolve around getting all these done well.
Q: I’m pretty sure most of our readers want to know, what are your beauty secrets?
A: I am known for this quote, “we can’t stop aging, but we can do our best to amour ourselves so aging can become kinder to us”. My secret is no secret: I exercise, I feed my body well, I nourish my skin, I hydrate and I always keep a positive mind set. I think the combination of these elements has made me the Michelle that I am today.
Q: How would you define success and formulate the key to success?
A: My definition of success is being content in your situation and being comfortable within your own skin.
Q: Throughout your career, what is the biggest challenge you’ve come across, and how did you overcome it?
A: I have encountered many challenges in my career and life that have moulded me to become who I am today. In most recent years, the challenge is staying grounded and not let who I have become in the public eye change me, as well as acknowledging and be grateful with my position, but at the same time not let it consume me to become someone who thinks they are better than others.
Q: What about the most rewarding or memorable moment in your career?
A: Growing up with refugee parents, I was told you can only succeed in life if you are an academic. I fought hard against my parents’ wishes to have the career that I have. In recent years, the most rewarding moment is when I am able to show and prove to my parents, that my chosen career is a successful one. To make them happy and proud is my ultimate goal in life.
Q: What takes up most of your time these days?
A: I travel a lot for my work, but when I am not travelling, being a mum and wife takes up most of my time. But then again, I also prioritise my me-time of self-love, and my form of self-love is through exercising.
Q: Is there any future project that the readers can look forward to?
A: My role representing the brands are continuing and there are a lot of things happening for each brand. There are a lot of exciting projects coming up, so stay tuned.
Asia Dreams Volume 47
Michelle Quan