Nestled amidst the enchanting Indonesian island of Sumba lies the captivating Cap Karoso, a hidden gem awaiting discovery by avid travellers and seekers of paradise. This idyllic retreat offers a magical fusion of pristine nature, luxurious amenities, and authentic cultural experiences, creating a haven of relaxation and exploration. The resort’s architecture seamlessly blends traditional Sumbanese elements with contemporary design, immersing guests in the island’s rich heritage.
More than an ordinary island resort, Cap Karoso is a firm believer in sustainability by utilising Cap Karoso Farm as the main supplier in its dining offerings, and omitting the use of plastic packaging across the property. In addition, the resort also has a series of residencies featuring a global line-up of celebrated chefs, artists, photographers and visionaries to the island of Sumba. Guests can expect complete immersion in the magic of Sumba with the introduction of bi-weekly cultural workshops held by a team of local guides, allowing curious guests to delve into Sumbanese heritage.
Asia Dreams Volume 48
Cap Karoso
IG: @cap_karoso