Behind every beautiful woman, there is an experienced make-up artist who knows exactly what the woman wants and how to bring out her strong features. Enter Beyond Makeup Indonesia, a make-up artist management company established to provide beauty assistance for special occasions.
The mastermind of Beyond Makeup Indonesia is the beautiful and talented Yenny Gunawan, who developed a penchant for the art when she was still in high school, doing make-up on herself and her friends from the dance squad before they performed.
“I really enjoy it when I see my clients happy and becoming more confident with their enhanced looks,” Yenny said. “I find it rewarding.”
Yenny has collected many memorable experiences, including working with Indonesia’s top public figures, however her most unforgettable moment was actually a challenging one.
“When I started my career as a make-up artist 10 years ago, I was trusted by a client from Korea to do her wedding look,” she reminisced. “She had monolid eyes, typical in oriental faces, but she wanted to do her make-up to look like the western brides in the samples she brought. It was not an easy feat, but I kept working for almost three hours. I kept saying Jesus’ name in my heart, and I did it. The client was happy with the result.”
Speaking of beauty, Yenny also predicts the beauty trend of 2023. She thinks the Hollywood glamour make-up style will make a comeback, highlighting sophisticated elegance with earthy tones.
Beyond Makeup Indonesia