Unveiling the Artistic Soul of Bali: Exploring Collaborations, Exhibitions and Cultural Events

Dive into the vibrant world of art collaborations, exhibitions and cultural events in Bali, Indonesia, where creativity meets tradition, and artists from diverse backgrounds come together to showcase their talents.

Bali is known for its unique and captivating essence, where nature’s artistry intertwines with human creativity. Among the villages of Bali, Penestanan stands out for its breathtaking natural beauty and vibrant social-cultural life. It’s a place where art thrives in diverse forms, reflecting the richness of its inhabitants’ artistic expressions.

The expansive rice fields of Penestanan are not just a scenic attraction; they embody a natural canvas that inspires artistic endeavours. This village is home to both traditional and contemporary artists, including renowned figures like Antonio Blanco, Arie Smith, Bonet and many others. It’s no surprise that Penestanan, with its ancient charm, has become a haven for art enthusiasts and collectors seeking valuable and aesthetically enriching paintings.

ARTPALI emerges from the life experiences of its founder, T. Cilik Pamungkas. During his second month in Bali, engrossed in preparing the Pramana Experience programme, Rasayatra, analyzing ancient Balinese manuscripts, he delved into the lives of Brahmanas from the past who inscribed life’s wisdom in palm leaf manuscripts. Simultaneously, Citra Anindyto, a longtime friend from Yogyakarta known for reading and painting auras, shared her spiritual journey, realising her calling to paint. These events culminated in the premise that artists embody life’s messages through their creations, giving birth to Art (seni) Pali (pesan).

The collaboration offer from ARTPALI found a warm reception at The Hava Ubud. This collaboration in Ubud seems serendipitous, given the region’s reputation as a hub of art and spirituality in Bali, reminiscent of figures like Ketut Liyer, the palm reader, also hailing from Ubud.

Aura reading is an ancient practice dating back to early civilisations in Egypt, India and China. It was believed that aura readings could unveil both physical and spiritual aspects, aiding in understanding life’s intricacies. Today, aura reading remains popular, particularly in India, used to comprehend one’s energy centres or chakras. It’s akin to visualising an electromagnetic field around living beings, akin to the radiance depicted in images of Buddha, Lord Shiva, or Jesus Christ.

The ARTPALI event is titled Good Karma, showcasing 23 paintings from Rally’s spiritual journey. The exhibition was inaugurated by Bali’s renowned artist, Made Djirna, on Friday, May 24, 2024, coinciding with Hari Bethari Sri. The exhibition is open to the public for free from 24 May to 13 June 2024, from 9am to 5pm. Additionally, for those interested in aura readings and paintings by Citra Anindyto, a side event of aura painting is available.

The Hava Ubud
Jalan Raya Penestanan, Sayan, Ubud
Bali 80571, Indonesia
T: (+62) 3616200799
E: info@thehavaubud.com
W: thehavaubud.com
IG: @the_havaubud